(Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford sitting in the same retirement home.)

Harrison: Hey kid, why is it that I can't locate my pills?
Mark: You already had them about an hour ago.

Harrison: Oh OK. I wonder what's for supper today.

Mark: Let me see - burritos!

Harrison: (points his finger) And how would YOU know?

Mark: (rolls his eyes) I'm a Jedi, like my father, before me.

Harrison: Oh. Right. That stuff.

Mark: (tuulettaa) Got 'im! I got 'im!

Harrison: Great, kid... don't get cocky...

Harrison: Man, the burritos suck in this hole.

Mark: I know right. I guess I could afford to just order a
super spicy burrito from some joint at the Tosche station and have it sent. Oh, power converters...!!!

Harrison: But who's gonna eat it, kid? You?

Mark: You bet I could! I'm not such a bad Tex-Mex man myself.

Mark: C'mon, we don't have to sit here and...